Sunday, June 29, 2014

This and That

Title just means I don't have anything interesting to say. So why bother? Well, it's raining outside, with thunder and lightning, the interior of the house is over 80 degrees, the humidity is over 60%, it's just a miserable day to do much of anything. With it being so hot I certainly don't want to be crocheting a winter sweater.

I've been frustrated since my return from downstate. I ate too much and can't seem to summon the willpower to stop. I was doing well right before the unexpectedly open ended trip and now I can't get that motivation back. I'm starting over today having ridden my exercise bike before I even walked the dogs. I ate an apple for breakfast, but I have to admit the short glass of Kahlua I'm having right now doesn't help, though I mixed it with 1/2% milk rather than cream.

The rain is going to help with the last of my green beans that I planted a couple days ago. Haven't had rain in many days now, it's been very hot which isn't beneficial to veggie gardens. Yesterday I moved 3 plants as well, not a particularly good thing to do on an 85 degree day, but they were not doing well where they were, in fact until this spring I had thought my clematis was dead. I moved it next to the pole for the internet satellite dish next to the deck where it has a better chance of staying watered, its previous location was a hill by the old cedar stump and the water would just run off. Consequently I had to move the small Therese Bugnet rose to the old island bed and move a sedum from there to the lower level of the same bed. Watered everything twice but things were looking very wilted. A nice soaker should help tremendously.

The dogs have been driving me a little mad. They're digging a lot of holes on our walks and I have often had to drag them back onto the trail, if I can find them. Yesterday afternoon they were being particularly evasive and it did not help my stress levels. A couple days ago Ziggy high tailed it over to a neighbor's house and all my yelling did was get the attention of some woman standing on his back deck trying to sell a different internet satellite service to anyone in town. Took me 10 minutes to extricate myself from that and then Ziggy still decided he would run into the woods for a few extra minutes. I love my dogs, but sometimes I just want to bang my head against the wall. I blame the stubborn beagle in him.

Getting back to the garden discussion I have been picking snow peas this past week. First veggies from my garden this year. Hopefully this heat wave we've been having won't kill them before their time. It usually happens that way though. They are a cool weather crop and there just wasn't enough cool weather between the viciously cold winter and the suddenly hot summer to give them a long happy life. Many of the vines are turning yellow prematurely. Didn't help while I was gone that a deer decided to lop the tops off some of the taller ones. One of my hollyhocks took a beating, too.

Well, maybe I'll do a little more housework. Perhaps my sunglasses will turn up, they disappeared the last day of that trip.

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