Monday, April 1, 2019

It's Only Another 2.4 Pounds...

It's only another 2.4 pounds, but as of this morning I have achieved my secondary goal of 10 pounds less than my original goal. That original goal was 165 so today I weigh a mere 155 pounds. I have no idea when I last saw that number but I'm pretty sure we were still living in Virginia so it's more than 20 years ago.

I know the Navy body mass calculator still thinks I am obese and indeed, I have not lost the last of the belly fat so I am keto-ing on. I now plan another 5 pounds for certain and if I am not pleased with 150 I shall then head for a little less than that. By the time I see my physician's assistant at the end of the month and get my cholesterol test, I am hoping the number will have dropped from last year. We shall see.

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