Thursday, April 18, 2019

Home Improvements for the Sale - Main Bathroom

Hal and I met with our realtor earlier this month and discussed ways to help the sale of the house. Besides dropping the price again, now down to $199,900, we said we would redo the bathroom floor to match the vinyl we put down 5.5 years ago. (We had lots of excess pieces in the loft, which was a good thing as that particular flooring was discontinues), improve the crappy laundry room and once it dried out, grade the driveway and perhaps add some gravel to the worst spots.

First thing I tackled was the main bathroom. I talked to the owner of the company who did the beautiful job on our floor and he gave my number to his current floor installer. He came out the next day, offered to do it the next day for a very reasonable price and he and 2 workers showed up the next morning.

I have to say, while it looks good from a distance I will NEVER hire him to do the floors in my future home. Here are some photos.
There isn't anything I can do about the bad joining in the above photo, thank goodness it is by the back of the toilet. As for the curling and large gaps by walls the guy actually told us we could fix that with shoe molding.
So that's what Hal and I did on the weekend, lots and lots of quarter round shoe molding! Of course that wouldn't fix the curling at seams in the middle of the floor, we had to buy adhesive to fix those.

At least it looks good form further away and way, way better than the crappy beige carpet that was glued to the floor. Still can't figure out why we didn't do it all when the rest of the floor was done in 2013!

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