Monday, February 11, 2019

3 Weeks on Keto

So having read my previous post I've only lost another pound really since last Monday, totalling 11 pounds so far. Hal, however, is catching up and has now lost almost 9 pounds. I am hoping my weight loss slow down is simply a blip and a week from now things will be looking better. I haven't been getting enough exercise either since I'm also having a hard time walking outside. We had an rain and ice storm last Thursday which resulted in 1/4 inch of ice covering everything. We lost one of the poplar trees next to the wood stove along the driveway.

And as it's stayed far below freezing there has been no melting of this ice, even some of the roads are still quite treacherous. A few days of sun and temperatures higher than 30 would be ideal but it's not in the near future. So the walking is curtailed lest I fall and break something important.

Hal and I will continue the keto diet for the foreseeable future, he would like to lose around 20 pounds, I am now thinking about 25. Twenty five pounds will put me at a lower weight than I have seen in more than 20 years! Whether I can withstand avoiding bread and chips and ice cream, for as long as it takes will be interesting to see. Thus far neither of us seems to be craving any of those things we have been missing and we are not hungry which was often the case on the various low fat diets we've tried. That is certainly one thing to recommend the keto way of eating, we don't have to "starve" ourselves to lost the weight.

We do miss a nice glass of wine, even though dry wines are considered keto friendly, we've been abstaining to help things along.

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