Saturday, February 20, 2016

Ceiling Fans at the Ranch

This afternoon Hal and one of his brothers installed 2 ceiling fans at his parent's home. Unfortunately for him, he had to scrawl across the length of the house in the attic from the laundry room at one end to the 2 small bedrooms on the other. The overhead lights in the ceiling were not secured properly with metal boxes attached to 2 bys so he had to put in 2 x 4 spacers and when he tried to install the boxes they stuck out of the ceiling too far so he had to crawl back a second time after dinner and add some 1 by spacers.

There wasn't too much swearing but the house is kept so hot and working at the ceiling with arms overhead makes for uncomfortable work. However both are up and remarkably quiet, and nothing had to be re-balanced as was often the case in the past with fan blades. Here is a photo of one taken with my laptop so it isn't the best photo, but you get the idea.

Now we are relaxing with a Thunder Bay Winery blackberry wine and Lindt white chocolate. Heavenly.

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