Sunday, June 13, 2021

Random Bits

 Today I finished the furring strips in the kitchen. Yesterday I finished the hall. So the great room, which is the kitchen, dining room, living room, foyer and hallway is done and ready for drywall. Now I have to finish each of the smaller rooms and their closets, the fiddly, annoying bits. Temperature inside was above 82 but there was a nice breeze. Will miss those breezes once all the drywall is up. 

Been planting little plants in my perennial bed. The many seeds I planted in peat pots back in March and April barely grew, a green thumb is not in my blood. However, I planted these tiny lupins and other flowers, many of which are now unnamed as the words melted off the plant sticks, and they are so tiny I had to put flags by them to keep from accidentally stepping on them. I really need to spread more mulch as the lack of rain is still a problem.

Below are 2 photos of flowers I either transplanted from our old home last year or bought locally. I'd say the dianthus are doing wonderfully!
Iris closeup

Dianthus I planted last year 
Yesterday afternoon we had lightning and a little thunder but all the rain by passed us to the east. This photo looks southeast. We still desperately need rain in Spruce.

faint rainbow over the cow barn
Back to work on the house again tomorrow and watering the gardens.

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