Saturday, June 12, 2021

Ground Venison

Last winter, we did not grind the venison into burger but froze meat chunks in 1 gallon freezer bags for doing later. Well, since I injured my ankle I decided to process 2 bags of meat. First time through the grinder I did a coarse grind, second time through, the medium grind. I ended up with 14 pounds 6 ounces of burger. Already made a meatloaf and burritos with some of it. Only 12 pounds left in the freezer. I'll do more when this runs out and I have the time.
Pushing the meat through a grinder sitting high on the kitchen counter, caused the muscles on the left side of my neck and shoulder to seize up. Took a few days to recover. Dang but over using muscles as one ages is a pain in the neck!

Incidentally, my ankle has mostly recovered, I only feel a little pain now and then. I've been able to climb the ladder to get back to working on my furring strips and even walking the dogs rather than having them chase me around on the golf cart every time.

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