Friday, January 8, 2010

After the Holidays

Christmas and New Years flew right by. ~~whoosh~~

I've had no time to blog, or at least no time to blog intelligently. So let's have a quick synopsis and some photos.

DH's family Christmas party was the afternoon of the 19th. There was food, beverage, Santa, presents, the white Elephant exchange and the guy/gal gift grab bag. DH drove his parents down the day before, I drove down the morning of and then DH drove us home later that night to arrive home just before midnight.

Mom, little sis and her BF and Lyra arrived on the 20th. We proceeded to watch a million Christmas movies, eat too much, drink a lot of egg nog and apple cider, listen to Christmas music, and cut up and process deer whenever the boys showed up with one. Then we made Italian sausage.

Christmas dinner was roast duck and chicken. Sis made cookies, I made pumkin pie.

Sis and I went shopping, I bought myself more sweaters. I think I got myself 5 this year. Thank goodness they were on sale and mom's gift mostly covered it.

Sis also decorated my tree since I didn't even get the lights on till the morning they arrived. In fact the tree is still up as are the outdoor lights, I haven't had the time, energy or desire to get around to taking them down. Its a nice blue spruce Hal found on our hunting land. He'd brought home a different one first that was "in his way" but it was not even worthy of being called a Charlie Brown tree. This one is much nicer. It's also the first year I used LED lights. Six strings and 2 strings of regular mini lights.

It rained like crazy Christmas day, but we still had a white Christmas and very cold temperatures the rest of the time.

New years eve was spent watching Thin Man movies, eating shrimp, scallops, cookies, etc. Champagne was toasted a little after midnight and we all went to bed before 1 am.

Everyone left for home on Jan 2nd. They got home safely despite running into the end of a snow storm. Rather appropriate since they left before the teeth of a different storm.

I think Rocket looks adorable in this photo. As though he's worried someone may take his bone away from him.

It's really easy to torture Lyra. I didn't leave her that way for long. She's a sweet dog, a little rambunctious but she is only 15 months old.

So that's it for my synopsis.

Happy New Year.

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