Tuesday, August 14, 2018

I thought the Ziggy-Kaylee Relationship was Better

But last night while she was on her back, playing with her hanging rope toy, Ziggy went a bit ballistic at her, snarling, baring teeth, not good. I put him outside. I didn't let him in until she took herself off to her crate for a nap. After he spent some time on my recliner with me. She spent the night napping in her crate so there were no more incidents

Otherwise, Ziggy is very needy, staring at me, following me around, things he never really used to do. Yesterday I took both pups to the build site, tied her in the shaded garage and he just hung around with the shock collar on. It was about 83 degrees, sunny and he starts following me around the yard while I was mowing the fields. Crazy, his tongue hanging out, panting, a black dog walking behind my riding mower. I had to make him lay down. He chose to leap back into the car, so I had to pull it all the way into the garage to get him into the shade. Kaylee just laid around waiting for me to take them walking.

I'm really unsure how to proceed to fix this, assuming it can be fixed, and it must be fixed because getting rid of either dog is not an option. I have decided that from now on when she naps in her crate and I am not walking Ziggy alone, etc. he will also have to stay in the same room with her. Whether it helps remains to be seen. After 2 weeks I was hoping for more harmony. wish I could remember how long it took Rocket to like Luna. Luna seemed to adore Ziggy from the beginning. Maybe it's a guy thing to hate the new puppy?

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