Sunday, July 22, 2018

Puppy Visit Number 2

Yesterday I went back to visit Kaylee (whose name could change) and her family. I took Ms. Judy with me and Hal's sister came with us as well. We first went to lunch at our favorite all you can eat Chinese buffet and then off we went to Hillman in the rain.

The puppies were bigger, more active, once we woke them all up, and though Kaylee still seemed more interested in mom's milk, I got a little more attention out of her. She is barely 6 weeks old. I did get kisses from her, (okay, she was just seeing what I tasted like) and she trioed to chew on an earring, but she is so freaking adorable!

So here are more photos.
still sleepy


on the prowl
She loves to pester Marlee for multiple lunches
Getting back to the name thing. I am having trouble remembering to pronounce Kaylee as KAY lee, sometimes it comes out KI lee so the name isn't perfect, I might just need practice though. Plus both versions are apparently popular girls names and more than one person has said it is "too human". to go with all my space oriented names. But really, Ziggy was sort of pushing it anyway. So on the way there and while playing with the puppies, Hal's sister kept suggesting other names. In no particular order:


I kind of like Bellatrix but think it might be too pretentious. Hal's sister obviously likes a bunch of them or she wouldn't have named them all, but I think she's partial to Alara, Bella, Phoebe and Leda.

I like Phoebe, a moon of Saturn, Leda, a star, and
Alara is merely an acronym for radiation measurement as well as a character on the TV science fiction show The Orville though I think Alara is too hard to call, "Here Alara, come here, Alara!"HA! Should have been Elara, I misheard Hal's sister, that is also a moon. Is Leda too close to Luna? Perhaps not as we didn't confuse Luna and Lyra.

Hal still prefers Kaylee, though he said he could live with Leda and Phoebe is okay, too. I've still got a week or so to decide. The owner needs to know to put it on the AKC registration though.

Maybe I should put it up to a vote.

Comments, anyone?

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