Saturday, June 15, 2024

Expanding the Fence

 When we're not working on the interior of the house (one pantry door is almost complete) we have been working on the fencing around the house. The last few days, when it hasn't been too hot, we've been installing new T-posts to enlarge the yard for the dogs. 

Yesterday we were able to connect the new fence to an older section behind the house as well as remove the fence on the north side (side yard) that the dogs never really spend any time in. 

 northwest corner

The new part extends in front of the house and much further to the north (essentially surrounding the septic drain field) and will give Kaylee and her pals plenty of running room. Ziggy doesn't do a lot of running anymore but he's holding his own. Note, it has corner bracing this time at each corner which should help with stability.

Hal also built an 8-foot gate on the north side for mowing access. He will soon be building a 3-foot gate on the garage side for people access.

looking toward n/w corner

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