Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Shower Surround

 Yesterday we finally started work on the shower surround for the master bath. I purchased a Flexstone unit which is PVC panels with a photo of marble printed onto it. We had to dry fit the large back panel first and unfortunately there was a lot of wave in the sides walls it butted up to so Hal had a lot of trimming to do before we got it tight enough. That took about 4 hours.

trimming with a box cutter is painful on the hands

Today we had to apply nearly 4 tubes of adhesive that came with the kit to the backside and then push it onto the wall 
Then Hal put up supports to hold it in place. This was not mentioned in the instructions but plenty of YouTubes recommended doing it. (right before this step is when my wedding ring took a dive.)
I think we are going to really like this. Not as fancy as tile but a lot less expensive and much easier to keep clean.

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