So while the weather does its thing I've still been walking the pups and crocheting. On one of our walks I happened to have my camera with me and got a few photos of something that I almost missed.
I'm pretty sure it's a Barred Owl. It was sitting in a dead tree just a few feet off the ground. I was probably about 30 feet away when I noticed it and that was only because it turned its head trying to keep track of Luna and Ziggy behind it and me in front. Eventually, Ziggy got too close and it flew off very silently. These aren't the greatest photos but with all those dead branches my camera had a hard time focusing. Pretty cool though.
Oh, and our new bed arrived today, one of those foam mattresses. We spent a couple hours at a store a little over a week ago just laying about and trying one mattress after another and foam seemed to be the most comfortable to us. We get 30 days to try it out to make sure we like it. Got the funny pillows, too. Hal got a flatter heavy one and I got one with a lot of bounce to it. Now it's time to try reading in bed and then sleeping. Hopefully, we'll sleep well.
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