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A Little Gardening
A beautiful breezy day so I weeded the veggie garden a little and discovered that my snow pea plants had pods big enough to pick. A couple more days and they ought to be really producing. I picked the largest ones and stored them in the fridge, should have enough in 3 days for quite a feed. May have to make a Chinese recipe.
Last year I bought 3 rose bushes from a place in Utah called High Country Roses. What I liked about their roses is they are not grafted onto different root stock but grown on their own roots. As I live in Zone 4, it's pretty cold in the winter and the usual bushes one finds for sale at the box stores (even at nurseries here, which is ludicrous) are hybrid teas that can't really survive those kinds of winter temps. So I bought 2 for myself and one for my mother-in-law. Hers flowered beautifully this year, it's a red one called "Hope for Humanity". One of mine, called "Goldbusch" has had one flower so far this year, the bush doesn't seem happy in its current location, I must try more fertilizer and see if that helps. However, my other one, "John Davis", was covered in a mass of pink blossoms. Of course, it didn't occur to me till the flowers were fading to take a photo, but here is what is left. I need to trim off the dead heads.
I meant to buy a couple more bushes this year but was delayed and everything I was interested in became back ordered or sold out. It's just as well that I'll be waiting another year, the new poultry hobby is taking up enough of my time. There is still plenty of yard work and weeding, etc that I have to get back to as well. For instance I need to mow the driveway, it's dirt, and the grass in the center is a little tall. I did finally weed what's left of my rhubarb, the plants have gotten very spindly because they were shaded out by all sorts of broad leaf weeds. I hope they can recover otherwise I'll have to acquire more from the neighbor I got the last batch from and that's a lot of work.
Perhaps I should go out and do some of this now while there is still daylight. No time like the present!
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I am stopping by to invite you to participate in the The Carnival of Home Preserving.
It is a Carnival to Share Recipes and How-To's for Canning, Freezing, Dehydrating (drying), and Root Cellaring of Fruits, Vegetables, and Herbs.
The first edition is posted if you would like to come visit:
Carnival of Home Preserving - July 14, 2008 Edition
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