Yesterday there were five, today there are six. I haven't seen the newest one, Hal thinks it's another runner/rouen cross. The other 3 new ones are 2 rouen/runner crosses and 1 pure rouen. I'm very pleased to have the runner crosses, though I was hoping for a pekin/runner, it's the only mix I don't have and I was interested in seeing what it would look like. I suppose I could get one in the next batch of eggs. Momma runner is still sitting on a few eggs but I think they're all green ones. The white ones are the runner's.Here's a photo taken yesterday of the 5 ducklings.HA! Before I even published this blog I got photos of all 6 ducklings and the newest, in the very bottom of the next photo is lighter than the other 3 black ones and since it was out of a white runner egg, I suspect this may indeed be a pekin/runner cross!!! Looks like she's sitting on 6 more eggs. I wonder if any more will hatch?
And here's a closeup of the four newest, the pekin/runner cross is in the bottom left and he does look lighter in color than the others.
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