Hal and I have been working on the electrical plan for the last 3 days or so. How many recessed lights, how many ceiling fans, how many receptacles. Where do the switches go, are any dimmable, 3-way, etc. it requires a lot of thought, back and forth discussions, it's rather complicated. Once we figure out where everything should go he has to add up how many of everything, how many circuits will be required, the amperage, etc, and then he can take the info to the building office and pull an electrical permit.
This is not the final plan, but as you can see, there are lots of little symbols all over it. Installing all this will be a lot of work, we are doing it ourselves, we've done this sort of thing before, just takes planning and time.
We still have to install the crawlspace vapor barrier, only one sheet is in, and put down all the OSB subfloor, plenty to do, just have to keep on truckin'.